Jim Lentz, Keep Toyota: Moving Forward

Toyota: Moving Forward – ‘Cause Sales are UP!!!

Posted in Uncategorized by lkm530 on April 8, 2010

It was reported April 1st that Toyota sales went UP during the month of March.

March 2010 Sales Chart

In the heart of a recall, one that got no support from the press mind you, Toyota managed to increase sales by 35.3% for the same period as last year. This is a ridiculous testament to the reliability of the brand and the loyalty of its customers.

Check out the full report here!

Even though the crisis management was less than impressive, and Toyota’s response to the issues were slow and somewhat sketchy at the beginning, the brand has pulled through.

Toyota: Moving Forward – I’ll Help Push!

Posted in Uncategorized by lkm530 on April 8, 2010

So I have talked a lot about what I think went wrong with the PR during the 2009/2010 Toyota recall, and it’s about time I put my two cents in.

Contingency Plan:

A contingency plan should consist of the exact actions that should be taken under different crisis-like circumstances. In my opinion, based on recent events, it should be Toyota’s policy that if a recall scare arises, they should give themselves only three to five days to test the problem. If in that time they can’t firmly say there is NO problem, the vehicles in question should be recalled.

  • This can reduce panic because if that is public policy, customers will be more willing to comply.
  • This displays that the company is more concerned with customer safety than with losing money through a recall.
  • The company CAN afford to do an early recall, especially if it means retaining customers and maintaining their loyalty.

During the Recall:

  • Offer excellent service (which they have been doing) during recall procedures.
  • Give every customer $50 off $100 or more of service, so they can use that later on tune-ups and other standard maintenance checks.
  • Release commercials and statements explaining exactly what is going on as soon as they are aware so that the public is on the same page.
  • BE HONEST about what is happening, because as we have found, the truth always comes out!

After the Recall:

  • Once it is certain that the issues are fixed, let everyone know. Offer celebration deals and services to ALL customers, not just owners of the recalled vehicles.

I think that these small policies can greatly help Toyota if they ever encounter another recall crisis (I hope they don’t!)

And, Mr. Lentz, if you are at all interested in having Joan Gladstone come in, which I still STRONGLY encourage, please contact me at mitch125@mail.chapman.edu. I think that could be the best things you do for your company. Your brand is only as strong as it’s weakest moments, and this one is pretty weak. Make Toyota owners like me proud again, and do the right thing!